Diet Pills are a Waste of Money

Diet experts have claimed that weight loss pills are a waste of money .
The ingredients in diet pills range from cabbage to bitter orange and guar gum.
There are multiple herbal food supplements which are being sold as diet aids to eager consumers desperate to be thinner.
However, diet experts claim that people are throwing away many millions of pounds on an annual basis for, at best, a placebo effect.
Peninsula Medical School researchers, bases at the universities of Exeter and Plymouth, stated that no evidence suggests that these drugs work,
Researchers from the University of Gottingen, Germany, discovered that individuals on diet supplements made of bean concentrate, cabbage powder and plant extracts did not lose more weight than those individuals taking a placebo pill.
Mainstream drugs for weight loss must show efficacy prior to receiving a licence, however, food supplements do not necesssitate such a requirement.
Orlistat is the only drug in the UK which has been licensed for use in obesity treatment of obesity. Under the name, Alli, it is available at pharmacies, to users with a BMI of 28 or more. However, some users have developed liver problems due to its use and further studies need to be conducted on it with regard to its safety vis a vis our overall health .

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