Alannah Cossey

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There is more knowledge surrounding probiotics than there is for prebiotics. Both are forms of functional food, yet the former is more widely known about than the latter. Prebiotics have potential benefits like probiotics, but they are different. What Are Prebiotics? A form of functional food, prebiotics are specialised plant fibres that nourish good bacteria already present in the gut. Although they are like probiotics, this is where the similarity ends. The function of probiotics is to introduce beneficial bacteria to the gut, whereas prebiotics help the gut bacteria that are already present. Essentially, their function is to help what...

Probiotics Explained

There isn’t much awareness surrounding probiotics. They are widely available in the supermarkets and consumers appear to be buying them. You might commonly know them as yoghurts or drinks that have added benefits. Probiotics are said to be essential for good health, but a lot of these findings lack evidence. We are then left with more questions than answers. What benefits are there from consuming probiotic products and how can we avoid products with false health claims? What are Probiotics? Probiotics are live bacteria that are supposed to have health benefits. Generally, they are described as ‘good’ or ‘friendly’ bacteria. It is...

Functional Foods

In the 21st century we are facing modern age health problems. Indeed, there have been great improvements; health care, hygiene and awareness of diet have all contributed to a better quality of life. Despite this, there are new issues that have arisen, and Functional Foods could be a potential solution. Modern Diseases. An increase in food production, food trends and new attitudes towards consumption have had a significant health impact. Obesity and diabetes are currently proficient. Modern health problems are more concentrated in the west where food production and consumption are both high. However, such health issues are becoming...

Are You Eating Fake Food?

When you go shopping, how do you pick your food? Do you check labels to avoid the most scary sounding ingredients? It seems that you are probably consuming what you set to avoid.  You could be eating fake food. We wouldn't knowingly consume ingredients that are detrimental to our health, but we are possibly doing just that. What is 'Fake Food'? Fake Food is simply a term referring to food that is misleading. What you would consider to be natural, might in fact be highly artificial. Before it turns up on our shelves, food is processed. It's altered in some way from the original so that it can be marketed to the consumer. What you read on...