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[su_box title=”13 Surprising Effects Fast Food Has on Your Body” style=”default” box_color=”#337ab7″ title_color=”#FFF” size=”42″ radius=”3″ class=””]Figures from the Food Institute show that the average family spends around half of their food budget on eating out, a rise from the 38 per cent spent by families in 1977.While eating fast food occasionally won’t make too much of difference to your health, making it into a habit can have disastrous effects.
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9 Surprising Effects Fast Food Has on Your Body

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Figures from the Food Institute show that the average family spends around half of their food budget on eating out, a rise from the 38 per cent spent by families in 1977.While eating fast food occasionally won’t make too much of difference to your health, making it into a habit can have disastrous effects.

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