Diet Plan Followed
This “CSI”, “Ghost Whisperer” and “E-Talk Soup” celebrity has a great deal to say about body image and dieting. So what diet plan does Aisha Tyler follow?
Celebrity Diet
Aisha Tyler has a well balanced, healthy diet. She is not strict on herself, having treats like chocolate when she wishes. She is not keen on salad so she does enough exercise to ensure that eating particular kinds of foods does not pile the weight on to her. This way she can eat what she likes, without depriving herself of foods she likes.
Aisha Tyler is a yoga practitioner. She also jogs, hikes, uses the elliptical Machine, as well as snowboards in the winter to ensure that she keeps in shape. She does a variety of sports to ensure that she does not get bored of one.
Celebrity Diet Secrets
When she exercises, Aisha uses that time to think, reflect, and organise herself.
Aisha Tyler even gets up at 3 a.m. in order to work out. She really enjoys being by herself, when she can organise the next day in her head.
Aisha contributed an article called “Real Women, Real Bodies” to Glamour magazine in September 2005, dealing with issues like dieting, weight loss, body image and eating disorders in Hollywood as well as in America.
In this article she basically approves of eating healthily and due enough exercise in order to stay the shape you need to. Nonetheless, she considers anorexia will get more popular, with more runway models trying to starve themselves for their livelihood.
She said that sometimes she wakes up in the morning and she feels fine and sometimes she wakes up and feels like “a potato with feet!”