Sufferers of this eating disorder often eat large quantities of food in one go and do not purge the food by being sick or taking diuretics/laxatives, neither do they exercise regularly to wok off all those calories. As a result the majority of binge eaters become overweight or obese.
How is Binge Eating Disorder caused?
There is no specific cause for binge eating disorder. It is related to low self-confidence and feeling not worthwhile.
What are the signs & symptoms of Binge Eating Disorder?
This binge eating disorder is most often recognized by a person’s eating habits and weight. Binge eaters hide food which they wish to binge on and do not tell the truth with regard to what they have eaten.
Most binge eaters are not happy with the way they look, they wish to lose weight and may not use exercise to do so.
Who does Binge Eating Disorder affect?
Anorexia and bulimia affect more women than men. On the other hand, binge eating disorder affects more men than women.
What are the health effects of Binge Eating Disorder?
Binge eaters are susceptible to many health problems and diseases. Due to being overweight or even clinically obese, binge eaters are more likely to have high cholesterol, high blood pressure, heart disease, strokes, sleep apnoea (disrupted sleep), type 2 diabetes, joint and muscular pain.
Has Binge Eating Disorder got a cure?
Binge eating disorder has no recognised cure. It has several options for treatment: counselling and therapy, cognitive behaviour therapy which can alter food and eating behaviours, as well as nutritional counselling.
Binge eating symptoms
Physical Symptoms | Behavioural Symptoms | Psychological Symptoms |
Putting on weight | Eating lots of food | Getting depression and feeling that life is not in your control |
Eating the wrong foods | Mood swings |