Weight loss pills are a massive online industry, but are they really safe? Paying for a shortcut to lose weight doesn’t sound likely, and in most cases if it’s too good to be true, it probably isn’t.
A vast variety of online diet pills are available, operating under slogans that make it seem very easy to lose weight. Often, these diet pills claim to offer massive weight loss in a very short time, without any side effects. However, are these claims true and do diet pills work? Are there dangers associated with online diet pills?
To assess whether a weight loss pill is safe, dieters need to look carefully at the proven evidence. For instance, weight loss program and diet treatment Alli is approved by the FDA and backed up by clinical trials. If there is no evidence that a diet drug works, it may not actually help you lose weight at all. Diet drugs should have large-scale, consistent clinical trials or you never know what you are taking.
Many diet pills are accompanied by a diet program and diet advice – sometimes this can be what loses weight as opposed to the pill itself. Eating a healthy diet and exercising regularly are more likely to lose weight for a dieter than the majority of online diet pills.
Dieters considering purchasing diet pills should look at what ingredients are in the pill, the concentration, how they work, and if there are any side effects. Take expert advice from your doctor or dietitian if you are in doubt, because lack of information in this field could cause real health problems. For instance, diet drugs could clash with other medication, or be unsuitable for diabetics. Information is essential when considering diet pills.
Many online diet drugs are marketed as being herbal or natural – this is not a guarantee of health or safety. Many slimming pills are available online without a prescription. Diet experts advise to never take prescription drugs without a prescription. Watch out for authentic looking website with bogus claims and testimonials.
Online diet pills often include uncertain natural and synthetic substances or compounds such as Ephedra or Ephedrine, Sida Cordifolia, ECA Stack, Phentermin. Other, such as Sibutramine, are approved for use in the UK but should be handled carefully and only in conjunction with diet and exercise. Diet supplements such as Hoodia are not yet proven to be efficient. Whenever you are thinking about buying an online diet pill, check first with your GP or a dietitian.