What to do:
- Select part of the lawn that is sunny and open.
- Cease the use of weed killers and fertilisers on the lawn.
- Ensure the fertility of the chosen area is lowered by regularly mowing it over two years, maintaining the grass at a short level.
- Make sure you pick up all clippings, otherwise all the nutrients will return to the soil.
- In the autumn plant wildflowers. Make holes that are approximately 15cm (6in) deep and 5cm (1.9in) in diameter. Then drop a bit of compost into the hole and plant the plug. After this, water well.
- Place some leaf mould around the plant plug to prevent other plants and grasses from overwhelming the plant.
- Cut the grass of the wildflower meadow at the end of summer. Use a scythe or strimmer for the smaller areas you cannot get to. Clear the debris.