Due to their straight, compact growth, it is easy to squeeze leeks into spare spots on allotments as well as borders.
How To Grow Your Own Leeks?
- Select a sunny, protected site that is well drained.
- Prepare the soil for planting in the winter, ensuring you add lots of well-rotted manure.
- One week prior to sowing, spread a balanced, general fertiliser over the soil. Then rake it in.
- You can sow leeks in rows, 30cm apart. In order to do this, prepare a one cm furrow with the corner of a rake. Then sow the seeds thinly. Place some soil on top and water. Then label.
- Ensure you maintain patch, keeping it weed free. Try not to remove the young leeks accidentally as they look very much like weeds.
- Once seedlings have three leaves each, permit only one plant every 15cm.
- Water your plants well, particularly during dry spells, harvest and during the summer.
What You Need to Grow Leeks
- Leek seeds
- Rake
- General fertilizer
- Pencil and label
- Watering can