For late summer pickings, plant your own sweetcorn in spring. Home grown cobs are much tastier than what is available in the shops. Multiple varieties thrive in sunny, protected spots, with well drained soil.
How To Grow Your Own Sweetcorn?
- Sow two seeds In April (2.5cm deep) in 7.5cm pots, full of multi-purpose compost. Water, label and place on a windowsill.
- A couple of weeks prior to planting, place plants outdoors in a shady place.
- Remove weeds in preparation of the site. Dig and rake, leaving a smooth finish. Put a general granular fertiliser on the site several weeks prior to sowing or planting outside.
- During May, plant in blocks. Use a trowel, putting plants 35cm apart with 60cm between rows.
- Maintain a weed free site
- Water well.
What You Need to Grow Sweetcorn
- Watering can
- Trowel
- Sweetcorn plants