Vegan diet the subject of Observer article

The Observer this week included an article about the vegan diet, and how people eating this diet can stay strong and healthy . Three experts answered the concerns of a worried mother, whose son is going to become a vegan . The question was answered by a dietician, a chef and a supplements specialist.
The dietician pointed out several key aspects of the vegan diet . For instance, protein foods are essential, including soya, pulses and nuts. Cereals, vegetables, fruit and fats are also highly necessary. The dietician made it clear that pulse and cereal combinations would give the best energy. Vegan diets should also include oils, nuts and seeds.
The chef pointed out a range of vegan cooking techniques, and said that a vegan diet can be spiced up with Indian, Italian, Spanish, Turkish, Middle Eastern and Japanese ingredients.
In terms of supplements, vegan diets may lack iron, iodine, zinc, calcium, and vitamins B12 and B2. Although vegan diets may contain these nutrients, they are often hard to absorb. The supplements expert also said that vegans should have their iron and thyroid function tested annually.

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