5-a-day diet falling flat

According to recent reports in the diet news, the message to eat five portions of fruit and vegetables every day is not getting through to the public. Just one in eight people are eating the recommended five portions per day, a study by the Fresh Produce Consortium found.
The average person, the study found, eats just 2.5 portions of fruit and veg on average per day. This has gone up slightly on 2005 levels, when people ate just 2.4 portions per day. Britain has long been recognised as facing problems with obesity, with some 25 per cent of adults termed overweight or obese .
Obesity is a serious problem in the UK, with some 30,000 deaths every year related to obesity. Obesity is thought to reduce the average lifespan by nine years. Wealthier families, according to reports, had the healthiest diets . As many as 1.9 million people were thought to eat under one serving of fruit and veg every day.
The Chief Executive of the Consortium, Nigel Jenney, reportedly commented: “We need to help consumers of all ages to step up their consumption of fruit and vegetables . We cannot lose another generation to the consequences of poor diet . This is a positive start but it is still a great challenge for the nation and the industry to find out how to convert more people to healthy eating.”

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