oTomoji Tanabe has just turned 113. He lives in Japan and states that he has lived this long due to a diet of lots of vegetables .
He has around 100 descendants. In front of cameras he walked without assistance in his birthday kimono to accept a huge bouquet of flowers .
He declared that he was very happy. He continued to say that he does eat a lot. Nonetheless he does not touch cigarettes, alcohol, fast food and snacks.
He loves eating fried shrimp. However, he has reduced his intake of oily food recently.
He lists his hobbies as writing in his diary, talking and reading newspapers. He would like to live another ten years.
Japan has one of the world’s highest life expectancy rates. This is attributed to several factors like a healthy diet with lots of vegetables. Japanese women continue to lead on the world’s longevity ranks for the 24 year, with men ranking third after Iceland and Hong Kong .
Japan in set to have 36,276 centenarians by the end of September.