Millions of children from low income families in America get fat prior to reaching the age of 10 as mothers are so stressed out that youngsters escape by eating unhealthy comfort food .
The stress experienced by the mothers has its roots in poverty . Moreover, the stress experienced by them can be triggered by worries, money, work load as well as insufficient health insurance .
Many people eat as a response to stress. Children can eat due to stress-related problems at home .
The Iowa State University research highlights the need for a strong social safety net for such low income families with better food via food stamps, improved financial education via better money management being taught; and adequate health insurance cover .
841 families who live below the poverty line participated in this government nutrition survey which was conducted from 1999 to 2002.
Children living in stressed homes where there was a lot of food were more likely to be obese or overweight than those living in similar conditions where food was not abundant. Both groups of children of course reacted to stress. However, the first group had food nearby to find comfort in.
This is especially the case for children aged between of 3 and 10, whereas, older children have avenues for the releasing the stress, such as, friends or work.
About 17% of American children, aged between 2 and 19 are said to be obese, with a further 16% being overweight.
Many of the mothers in the study have at least a symptom of depression and anxiety . Provision of appropriate counselling and medical care can alleviate some of these symptoms, with the added benefit of decreasing obesity in children.