Do Vitamins and Dietary Supplements Really Do Any Good

Many people take vitamins and dietary supplements.
However, do they really do any good?
For most people, consuming a well-balanced diet, eating foods from all groups is the optimal way to make sure you obtain the vitamins you need.
So. a well balanced diet is crucial. However, not everyone eats a well balanced diet .
Should you be eating a healthy, balanced diet of fruits and vegetables, it ought to provide you with all the nutrients you need, including those you cannot get from dietary supplements.
Extra vitamins are not a necessity for patients who are on a well-balanced diet and are not a particular risk group.
The decision to take vitamins ought to be made upon discussing your specific health needs with a G.P.
G.Ps consider the diet, health and age of a patient, and once those factors are taken into account, certain people will need to take vitamins,

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