The Power Plate is extremely effective in terms of weight loss .
A study was conducted amongst three groups who wanted to lose belly fat: the first group was the one using the Power Plate, the second group was combining dieting with an exercise routine and the third group was just dieting.
A study was conducted over a period of six months period using the Power Plate after which subjects went back to their daily lives, reporting back for retesting when 12 months had expired.
With regard to losing weight, the group using the Power Plate lost 11% of their body weight, maintaining a 10.5% weight loss. The diet and exercise group lost 7% of their body weight, maintaining a 6.9% loss. The group that was only dieting lost 6%, maintaining less than 5% weight loss. A bonus was the reduction of belly fat.
The Power Plate group lost 18.8 inches of belly fat, maintaining a weight loss of 18.7 inches. The diet and exercise group lost just 6.93 inches, maintaining only a .63 of an inche weight loss.The diet only group lost 9.57 inches, maintaining only 2.95 inches weight loss.
This new research was presented at the 17th European Congress on Obesity .