Teenager Diet and Mental Health

Recent research has highlighted that teenagers who eat lots of take-aways are more likely to behave badly. This finding reiterates the understanding that poor diets are related to mental health problems.
The study holds a junk food diet responsible for such problems as agression, depression and delinquency .
The study focussed on diet and behaviour in approximately 1,600 Australian adolescents, aged 14.
The research cannot prove that diet caused those behavioural characteristics, as other factors can contribute to unhealthy diet and poor behaviour.
The study also did not dwell on whether the children had been given a formal mental health diagnosis, for example, for depression. Thus the research cannot specifiy whether diet affects the likelihood of such diagnoses.
A well balanced, healthy diet of course has many benefits for those of all ages.
The research was led by Dr Wendy H Oddy and team from the University of Western Australia and the Curtin University of Technology in Perth, Australia.
The study was published in the publication, Preventive Medicine .

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