Grilling as opposed to frying food and grating as opposed to slicing cheese can reduce your risk of dying from heart disease, states the Food Standards Agency, the UK’s food watchdog.
It says that 3,500 premature deaths every year can be saved.
Heart diseases, caused by saturated fat clogging the arteries, increases the likelihood of heart disease .
This campaign includes a punchy tv ad which states that we have to adapt to eating leaner meat as well as less cheese and switch to milks lower in fat and healthier snacks to remain healthy. In addition, we need to reduce our intake of biscuits and cakes .
UK consumers are presently eating 20% more saturated fat than is recommended by the government.
You can also reduce your amount of saturated fat by removing skin off chicken and turkey, switch to spreads lower in fat and check the saturated fat content on food labels.
Nearly all the 3,219 people surveyed between October and November 2008 knew of saturated fat, with 61% considering that they ought to have less saturated fat in their diet .
However, just 19% were planning to reduce their intake of saturated fat.
Almost half of the respondents considered that, should they exercise regularly, not overeat and eat lots of fruit and veg, they had no reason to be concerned about saturated fat.
The National Diet and Nutrition Survey in 2003 discovered that 90% of children, 88% of men and 83% of women ate more saturated fat than necessary.
Women and children aged 5-10 ought to eat no more than 70g of fat on a daily basis and just 20g or less of this ought to be saturated fat.
Men ought to eat no more than 95g of fat on a daily basis and just 30g ought to be saturated fat.
More fat than necessary increases blood cholesterol levels, a major risk factor for coronary heart disease, angina, heart attacks and strokes.
Saturated fat of course also contributes to obesity, which puts you in risk of several cancers .