Should you problems trying to keep weight off and you wonder why, it may the cheeseburgers you scoffed when you were just a toddler.
Recent research undertaken by University of Calgary , Faculty of Kinesiology, suggests a direct link between an adult’s tendency to put on weight with early childhood diet .
The research leader, Reimer, is a forerunner in an expanding field of study which examines the origins of health and disease. Researchers involved in is area consider that our pre-natal and early childhood environment affects our future risk of getting conditions like diabetes , cardio vascular disease and obesity .
Reimer’s research has highlighted that the diet we eat when we are young determines how active specific genes in our body are, what is known as genetic expression. In particular we believe that our diet has a direct influence on the genes that control how our bodies store and use nutrients .
There’s much work that highlights a relationship between our health when were adults and our childhood diet, as well as our mother’s diet. This research shows that for the very first time that our early childhood diet may have a huge impact on our health as adults.
Reimer’s study has been published in the current Journal of Physiology (London).