Brits Prefer Diet Pills to Dieting

More than 50 per cent of the British population is overweight or obese .
Nonetheless, they are still not prepared to go to the gymn and get on with exercising .
A new poll, undertaken for the British Society of Gastroenterology has uncovered astounding findings.
20 per cent, that is one out of five Brits, admitted to binge eating.
In addition, 15 percent stated that they would opt to take diet pills rather than work out.
Obesity is an issue which needs tackling. It is at epidemic portions.
Being overweight is a key risk risk factor for developing Type 2 diabetes, a serious ailment which can lead to strokes, heart disease, blindness, kidney disease and amputations.
80 per cent of Type 2 diabetes cases are preventable by just adhering to a healthy diet and undertaking more physical activity.
It is therefore essential to attain a healthy weight by eating a diet high in fruit and veg, but, low in salt, sugar, and fat and by being physically active.
Nearly 500,000 Brits have undiagnosed diabetes.
Should you think you are overweight or obese discuss your health and what to do about it with your G.P.

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