A healthy diet reduces the chance of getting depression .
Parents are in a situation where they can lessen the chance of their children growing up into adults and getting depression by ensuring that they are fed healthy food.
This is the main finding of recent research conducted by University College London . The findings have beeen published in the British Journal of Psychiatry, claiming that people who consumer junk food are more likely to suffer from depression than those of us who adher to a healthy diet .
4,000 people participated in this study; those who stated that they eat fried, fatty foods, high in sugar and salt, were those more likely to suffer from depression.
The researchers stated that it is the high levels of antioxidants in fruit and vegetables which consititute the reason why those on a healthy diet suffer less from depression.
This research has been published at the same time as Heart Research UK’s recent claim that an individual’s lifestyle and diet has “a huge influence” on their risk of developing heart disease, hence, eating healthily is a necessity.