Should you want that hourglass figure, you need to be adhering to a healthy diet which has all the right proportions of foo.
Your dinner plate ought to have 50 per cent vegetables, 25 pr cent protein, that is, meat, fish or vegetarian alternative and 25 per cent starchy carbs like potatoes or rice.
Should you opt for wholemeal carbs like wholegrain cereals and granary bread you will feel fuller for longer and less prone to crave sugary treats.
Due to the post WWII rationing from 1940 until 1954, people had to adapt a reduced fat and reduced sugar diet. Hence, they remained slimmer and had decreased rates of heart disease .
Each person was restricted to the following on a weekly basis: 2oz of sweets, equivalent to a small bar of Dairy Milk; 2oz cheese; about 540g meat, approximately two chicken breasts and a small steak. Therefore, most meals were meat free . Jam, sugar, eggs, dairy products, biscuits and cooking fat were also severely rationed.
You can easily ration yourself, based on the 1959 diet . Research demonstrates that banning foods, such as, red meat or chocolate just makes you crave them more. Therefore, setting yourself sensible limits enables you to keep you on track.
So you can still enjoy a couple of squares of chocolate each day to prevent you binging on sweets and chocolate.