Jennifer Hudson is the New Weightwatchers Spokesperson

Oscar winning actress Jennifer Hudson is going to be the next spokesperson for Weightwatchers .
She will be representing the brand of weight loss foods and products which have hitherto helped her lose 60 pounds after giving birth in August 2009.
Hudson states that she has been adhering to the Weight Watchers points plan and exercising with celebrity trainer, Harley Pasternack.
She claims that it is a lifestyle change as opposed to a diet .
She says she does not really diet. She gets up each day and works really hard. She ensures that she eats the right things and stays focused.
She ensures that she eats healthily on a consistent basis each day.
The Weightwatchers adverts featuring Ms Hudson will be aired in the first week of April.
Jennifer will be showing her figure off in her new film role as Winnie Mandela, Nelson Mandela’s ex-wife, and a leading figure in apartheid ending in South Africa.

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