We Have 46 Teaspoons of Sugar in our Daily Diet

We have an average, shocking 46 teaspoons of sugar in our daily diet .
We are endangering our health by consuming so much sugar on a daily basis, so health experts have affirmed.
The sugar levels in food, such as, ready made supermarket meals, muffins and breakfast cereals are astonishingly high.
A high sugar diet is as dangerous as a high fat diet as it increases cholesterol levels in your body, which can trigger heart attacks .
Millions of us may be eating teeth-rotting foods without any knowledge of it.
A recent study has accused American food companies of adding exceptionally high quantities of sugar to their food products for better taste.
Their UK counterparts have denied taking such measures, stating that they lowered sugar levels when the Government recommended that adults ought not to eat more than 90g a day.
The consumer group Which? disocvered that an average Chinese takeaway, consisting of sweet and sour chicken, spring rolls and egg fried rice, has an immense 62.3g of sugar in it, or 15 teaspoons plus of sugar.
Total sugar consumption has increased dramatically in recent decades.
It is crucial for long-term health for us to begin to consider how much added sugar we are consuming.

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