Correct Amount of Protein in Diet

Multiple foods provide people with the levels of protein they require, including poultry, fish, shellfish, eggs, nuts, pulses, seeds, soya and dairy products.
Experts suggest we consume two to three servings of protein on a daily basis.
The Food Standards Agency claim that a majority of us eat more protein than is needed.
Foods high in protein leave you feeling fuller than foods with high levels of fat and carbohydrates .
There have been several diets which involve eating high levels of protein, like the Atkins diet; they have also proved very popular amongst those attempting to lose weight .
There can be disadvantages, that is, eating a lot of red meat is not healthy as it contains large quantities of saturated fat which can lead to heart disease.
A 2007 World Cancer Research Fund report recommended meat eaters limit their consumption of red meat to 500g a week as it had been associated with different forms of cancer.
In addition to promoting protein, the Atkins diet restricts the intake of carbohydrate.
Research at the University of Aberdeen University’s Rowett Institute of Nutrition and Health discovered that introducing a moderate amount of carbohydrate into a high-protein meal did not lower its potential to help you lose weight .
The researchers are presently considering a protein-rich diet that enables weight loss and is good for your health .

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