Poor Diet Affecting Millions

Five million plus young people suffer from high blood pressure .
Tests of 9,000 young people discovered that around 25% of those aged 16 to 34 had normal blood pressure .
The increasing levels of blood pressure are due to a busy lifestyle with minimal exercise. An unhealthy diet, drinking and smoking are additional causes.
High blood pressure can trigger heart attacks or strokes; this commonly affects high stress employees, older people and individuals who are undergoing personal trauma.
The recommended reading is 120/80. However, the UK average is a worrying 140/86, with approximately 35% of the 16 to 34-year-olds in this at-risk category.
Lloyds pharmacy undertook this research.
It is of great concern that such a high number of younger people have such high readings.
High blood pressure is that which a lots of us think will only occur when we are older. However, it is evident from these research results that it is something we ought to be aware of and monitor throughout our lives.

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