FDA Warns Against A Dietary Supplement for Sexual Enhancement

On December 13, the Food and Drug Administration issued a warning regarding the possible risks related to a dietary supplement for sexual enhancement, called Man Up Now.
The product has an active drug ingredient which is to be found in the erectile dysfunction medicine Viagra and can reduce blood pressure to harmful levels.
Individuals who are taking this supplement should cease to use this product straight away.
Man Up Now contains the chemical sulfoaildenafil which can interfere with prescription drugs like nitroglycerin and other nitrates.
The interaction can lower blood pressure, as well as lead to light-headedness and dizziness due to insufficient blood going to the brain.
“Man Up Now” manufacturer claims include that it is ‘herbal’ and totally ‘natural,’ which makes consumers presume that the product is harmless and has no health risks.
Even though the FDA has stated that there are no known side effects, the product can cause unanticipated risks, injury and even death.

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