Mediterranean Diet Great for the Brain

A Mediterranean diet, including a lot of vegetables, whole grains and fish, a slight intake of meat if at all, a small intake of saturated fat and meat and minimal alcohol use, can enable people to avoid the small areas of brain damage which can lead to problems with cognition and memory.
A recent study reache this conclusion, when researchers assessed the diets of 712 people in New York and divided them into three groups, based on how closely each group’s participants were adhering to the Mediterranean diet .
Then they carried out MRI brain scans of the participants an average of six years later. 238 people had at least one area of brain damage.
Those who most closely followed a Mediterranean-like diet were 36 percent less likely to have areas of brain damage than those who were least following that diet.
Those following the diet somewhat were 21 percent less likely to have brain damage than the lowest group.

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