New Research Project for Children

Aberdeen health researchers have launched a study into children’s diet and fitness levels.
Rowett Institute of Nutrition and Health scientists are appealing for young volunteers to participate in the study, which will monitor their diets and the amount and type of exercise they do.
Thereby a website has been set up for participating children where they can keep daily food and activity diaries. This makes it easier all round to glean an insight into young people’s dietary habits.
The website is replacing traditional ways of collecting information about diets, such as surveys and hand written food diaries.
This medium helps to improve the quality of information gathered in a hassle free way. The new, easy to use website tool does just that.
The tool needs to be tested and this study is its test bed.
Children aged between nine and 11 and their families are needed for the study.
They need to have access to a computer to maintain their food and activity diaries.
Should you want more information and / or to participate in this study, ring the Rowett Institute on 01224 716632.

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