Burgers in Diet Increases Likelihood of Children Getting Asthma

Children who are eating three or more burgers on a weekly basis have a greater chance of suffering from asthma and wheezing than those who do not.
Recent research claims that this additional risk is not necessarily due to a high meat diet itself, however, it is due to a lack of fresh fruit and veg .
The research involved the study of 50,000 children from 20 countries; it discovered that the Mediterranean diet reduced the children’s risk of developing asthma.
The study confirmed that the children who ate a lot of fruit were less likely to have wheezing problems in rich as well as poor countries.
The consumption of three or more burgers on a weekly basis was related to a higher risk, especially in rich countries.
However, a diet which is overall high in meat does not increase the risk, hence, the researchers concluded that other factors may be involved.
Asthma has doubled its intensity in the UK over the past 20 years, along with the consumption of processed food.
Fruit and veg contain antioxidants which contribute to better health .

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