Herbal Diet Pill on Market is supposed to Lower Appetite by a Fifth

It has been discovered that a herbal supplement can lower appetite by a fifth.
This diet pill is said to even stop the craving for sweet treats.
A study was undertaken of 58 healthy to slightly overweight women. It found that Zotrim, a formulation of the plant extracts Guarana, Yerba Mate and Damiana can reduce calorie intake by an around 17.6 per cent at one mealtime.
University of Liverpool invited participants to eat what they could at a buffet lunch, upon taking Zotrim or a placebo before breakfast and before lunch.

This intake led to a reduction in calorie consumption by an average of 132 calories at one sitting.
Researchers also noticed a drop by over a quarter in the participants’ choice of sweet, high fat items when taking Zotrim.
In addition, the participants completed their meal on average three minutes earlier which indicates that they were full earlier than they otherwise would have been.
This trend of less hunger and lower desire to eat was also the case before lunch for participants who took the slimming aid.
Dr Jason Halford, study leader, stated that these findings suggest that ingredients contained Zotrim formulation produce a healthy effect on caloric intake.
Should these effects be sustained then such changes can benefit weight control.
Another key weight loss study on the continuous use of the Zotrim herbal formulation found that the overweight participants lost 11.5 pounds in 45 days, in contrast to a rate of only 0.5 pounds in a placebo group.
Zotrim costs around £21.95 for a month’s supply of 180 tablets.

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