An Indian Balanced Diet

Many of us love the taste of Indian food and consider that it is high in fat and not so healthy.
Well Indian food can constitute a balanced and healthy diet .
The diet consists of a healthy balance of carbohydrates, as in chappatis, protein, found in lentils and vitamins and minerals, found in vegetable dishes.
An Indian breakfast ought to comprise a minimum of 30 per cent of an individual’s daily energy needs, consisting of upma or a couple of chappatis with veg, followed by a glass of milk and fruit.
Lunch ought to be balanced, with lots of fibre to help digestion. Vegetable curries, chappatis, salad and a bit of rice provide an excellent combination.
The evening meal ought to be light as we expend the least energy at night. A little snack with tea is ideal. You can also choose healthier options, like roasted chick peas, nuts, some fruit or a sandwich.

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