Diet High in Vegetables Signifies Lower Fracture Risk

Older people who have a diet which includes lots of fruit, veg and whole grains could be less susceptible to bone fractures than those who are not on such a diet .
These are the findings of recent research, published in the American Journal of Clinical Nutrition .
This research does not prove that such foods themselves directly mean a reduced fracture risk. However, they emphasise yet another potential health reason for us to eat an apple as opposed to some crisps.
Several other studies have discovered that those whose diets contain lots of nutrients, especially calcium and vitamin D, have greater bone mass and, therefore, have a lower risk of of fractures in later life.
However, we eat foods, not isolated nutrients. Hence, a diet to lower risk of bone fracture needs to food based.
Herein the researchers have discovered that a diet high in nutrient density features lots of fruits, veg, beans, fibre-rich whole grains and fish .
The research findings show that for every 40 percent increase in calories from fruits, veg and other nutrient-high foods, the chances of suffering from a fracture over ten years fell by 14 per cent.

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