Ecologically Friendly Diet Reduces Carbon Emissions By a Quarter

An ecologically friendly diet reduces carbon emissions by a quarter.
The Fife diet encourages you to source as much of your food locally as possible, thereby generating over a quarter less carbon than the average UK diet, so a recent report claims.
A Fife couple launched the project, which aims to reduce the environmental effects of our weekly shop by encouraging us to purchases organic, locally grown food.
Over 1,000 people have adopted this diet across Scotland.
The “Foodprint” report, undertaken by the Fife Diet Project, along with carbon consultants Climate Futures, highlights that Fife dieters average “foodprint” is 27 per cent less than the average consumer.
Foodprint equates to the amount of carbon produced by an individual’s food intake.
Food production, its packaging as well as transport consumes energy, resulting in carbon emissions which are said to be related to climate change.

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