Young Adults Diets Could Be Better when Meals are Left to Others

Young adults’ diets would be better if meal preparation was left to someone else, according to new research.
A study of 2,800 Australians, aged between 26 and 36, found that researchers had minimal evidence that individuals who usually helped prepare the main meal on a working day had more healthy diets than those who let the cooking be done by another person in the household.
Generally women who shared the meal preparation ate more vegetables in their diet than those who avoided kitchen duty, just one portion a day.
Along the same vein, men who alone prepared the meals tended to eat more lean meat and meat “alternatives” than their less cooking orientated peers, just one portion a day.
The study emphasises that “just being involved in meal preparation is not enough,” so says lead researcher Kylie J. Smith, from the Menzies Research Institute in Hobart, Australia.

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