A diet pill which combines two existing drugs can enable women to drop by two dress sizes with 12 months.
This pill is considered to be the ‘gold standard’ obesity treatment and is being prescribed by GPs.
In addition, Qnexa reduces blood pressure and lowers levels of possibly dangerous blood fats and sugars, according to a report in the Lancet.
However there are some concerns about the drug’s safety as its manufacturers have been informed that they need to provide more data prior to it being approved for sale.
Qnexa combines phentermine, the amphetamine-based slimming drug which assisted the Duchess of York to shed three stone in the 1990s, and topiramate, an epilepsy drug related to weight loss .
Nearly 2,500 obese and overweight Americans were provided with Qnexa on a daily basis for twelve months or a placebo pill.
Those on the highest doses shed 1.5 stones, which is twice as good a result as orlistat, the only NHS anti-obesity drug.
It is of note that last October the American Food and Drug Administration refused to approve Qnexa for sale, stating that more safety information was necessary.