Children do not eat healthy foods, especially fruit and veg, are doubly likely to experience behavioural problems.
The results of new research which involved surveying 500 UK households regarding their diets in 2009 have just been released.
A quarter of households survive without healthy foods due to low income levels.
Participants were also questioned about their fruit and veg intake.
It does not appear that the case that households are not spending money on junk food . It is more a case that they are not able afford various fruit and veg.
They are buying bigger quantities such staptes in diets like rice and bread .
Food insecure households are between 25 per cent and 40 per cent less likely to eat the recommended servings of fruit and up to 25 per cent less likely to consume adequate servings of vegetables, she said.
Should children be in a food secure household, they are 2.5 times more like to demonstrate behavioural problems should they live in a food insecure household.
Unhealthy diets can impact upon children’s behavioural and social skills.