Childhood obesity is a serious problem. However, encouraging young children to diet is not a sensible approach.
“Maggie Goes on a Diet” is an American about children’s diets and will be available this October.
The author Paul Michael Kramer focuses on a 14-year-old overweight girl called Maggie who does not like herself. Therefore, she sticks to a diet, exercises, loses weight and turns into a soccer star. The ending sees Maggie successful as well as happy with her new slim figure. The book, amazingly, is recommended for children aged 6 to 12.
The author may well have had good intentions writing this book. However, the unfolding of the story does more harm than good.
The majority of nutritionists will inform you that an overweight child happens usually due to unhealthy family eating patterns.
Therefore, healthier family cooking and eating makes a huge positive impact on overweight families and what led to the child becoming overweight in the first place.
An overall healthier lifestyle is also critical, encouraging the child to do some sports or other exercise and watching less tv. A combination of a healthy diet and exercise is going to lead to weight loss . More movement and lower food intake invariably leads to losing weight .
Instead of Maggie opting for carrot sticks instead of chips and going for a walk after dinner, the book’s emphasis is going on a diet which is restrictive.
A diet usually limits intake of certain foods. Whereas, healthy eating undoubtedly leads to a lifestyle change.
Diets, however, can mean starting your journey on an emotional roller coaster for the remainder of your life.