2011 Sees Diet Companies Changing Tactics

Diet companies are trying to target the weight loss industry, which is estimated at $60 billion plus for 2011.
They are doing so by revamping their marketing to highlight weight loss methods, such as, specifically designed apparel and food upgrades.
Some of us may dislike counting calories . So, the sportswear companies, Fila USA and Reebok International, have engineered body-toning wear which they claim makes your exercise more efficient, whilst you look good.
Millions of people are on diets around the world.
Weight Watchers International have introduced a new PointsPlus program, its most key change in the last 12 years in how calories are counted, with fruit and vegetables not counting for any points at all.
The biggest weight loss companies frequently rely on celebrity dieters to showcase their methods. For example, Jennifer Hudson was the spokeswoman for Weight Watchers during 2009.

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