New Year Diet Abandoned After Only Two Weeks

Many women make a New Year’s resolution that they are going to lose weight during the next twelve months.
However, their determination to do so is not exactly great.
That is certainly what a recent survey of 1,000 women has shown.
Two out of three women who began New Year diets have abandoned them already. However, it will take them six weeks prior to confessing this to their partners.
Unexciting food, hectic lifestyles and poor motivation are the key reasons women abandoning their new diets .
63% of the female respondents stated that they will given up their diet by tea-time today, with nearly three quartes stating that they would keep the fact that they have stopped dieting a secret.
Losing weight leads the list of New Year’s resolutions for women. However, when it comes to maintaining the resolutions few women are able to do so.
It may, therefore, be more advisable to adhere to a long term change in dietary habits as well as in the levels of activity we are undertaking to ensure long term healthy, sustained weight loss .

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