High Fat Diet whilst Pregnancy can Incease Risk of Stillbirth

Recent research highlights that a high-fat diet during pregnancy increases the risk of stillbirth.
It demonstrated that adhering to such a diet lowers blood flow from the mother to the placenta.
This research study demonstrates that maternal diets during pregnancy have a great influence on the placenta and foetal development.
The West is used to eating a high-calorie, high-fat diet which has negative effects on placental function and could be a significant contributor to adverse pregnancy outcomes, such as, stillbirth.
Other research has highlighted that all adverse outcomes during pregnancy, including abnormal foetal growth, preterm labour, pre-eclampsia and stillbirth, which are somehow related to abnormally developed, or damaged, placenta, the temporary organ which feeds the unborn foetus.
Moreover, maternal obesity has been linked to placental inflammation and dysfunction as well an increased risk of stillbirth.

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