Low Calorie Diet can Benefit Type 2 Diabetes

The most usual form of diabetes can be benefited by a severe low-calorie diet, recent research has shown.
Type 2 diabetes, which impacts upon 3.5 Brits cost NHS around £9bn annually. This condition arises due to high levels of glucose in the blood and is associated with overeating and obesity .
An eight week low calorie diet can reverse the impact of a life long condition considerably.
The diabetes charity, Diabetes UK, have funded this study and say that it is just in its early stages.
The study involved 11 type 2 diabetics and used a powerful scanner to monitor fat in the pancreas which regulates blood sugar levels.
The patients were then put on a strict diet of just 600 calories a day, consuming slimming shakes, non-starchy veg, tea and no-calorie drinks.
After two months the fat in the pancreas of each patient had returned to normal levels and the pancreas was making insulin normally.
At the end of the eight weeks pancreases began working again.
As the level of fat in the pancreas reduced, insulin-producing cells normalised.

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