A lady who was selling fake diet pills has been fined £24,000.
Customers had complained of severe stomach pains after taking them.
Nicole Larguey, 46, of Coulsdon, south London, is considered to be the first person to be prosecuted in the UK over misleading nutrition and health claims.
Larquey has been selling the diet pills via her company Bodyscoop Ltd.
St Helens, Merseyside, Trading Standards began an investigation upon receiving complaints from customers.
Larquey pleaded guilty to 24 consumer protection offences at St Helen’s Magistrates’ Court.
She has to pay a £12,000 fine and her company has been ordered to pay the same amount. In addition, she has to pay costs of £1,374 to St Helens Trading Standards.
This prosecution is considered to be the first brought under the Nutrition and Health Claims (England) Regulations 2007.
Trading Standards stated that the pills were sold online for £29.99 for a pack of 30.
Upon testing the pills, it was found that they contained mainly cellulose powder and nothing that can help weight loss.
The size of the fine goes to show the seriousness of the offence.
People who attempt to lose weight can be especially vulnerable to a variety of claims.