Proteins which carry cholesterol away from the liver to the cells in the rest of the body are known as low density lipoproteins; this is the harmful kind of cholesterol.
Proteins which take cholesterol away from the cells to be destroyed are called high density lipoproteins, HDLs, or good cholesterol.
Research has demonstrated that you do not need to cut back on specific foods which themselves contain cholesterol, like eggs or shellfish, given that your diet is low in saturated fat. Hence, a prawn salad with a low-fat dressing is considered to be a good way to lower cholesterol; deep-fried, battered prawns are not a good option.
Altering the kinds of food we eat can enable us to lower blood cholesterol levels.
Saturated fat heightens your cholesterol levels therefore, opt for low-fat options. If you are not overweight, swap saturated fats and spreads like butter, for a polyunsaturated or monounsaturated alternative like sunflower spreads or olive oil .
Dietary fibre, especially the soluble fibre found in foods like pulses, legumes and oats, can reduce total and LDL cholesterol. Try adding beans to stews or opt for baked beans on toast as a light meal. Fibre-rich, wholegrain foods may also help, so choose wholegrain bread.
Try to consume a minimum of 25g of soya protein daily to help reduce cholesterol if eaten as part of a low fat diet . In the UK we do not tend to eat much soya protein .
Losing weight can benefit high cholesterol and bring real benefits, so ten per cent of your body weight loss can reduce blood cholesterol by up to 15 per cent.
So stick with low-fat foods, lower portion sizes of high-calorie foods and keep away sugary drinks.
Exercise can help burn extra calories and increase fat burning. So, aim at 30 minutes a day.