7 not 5 Portions of Fruit and Veg a Day

The results of a newly published story has stormed the headlines across the UK this week, as the previously recommended 5 fruit and vegetables a day, how now been shown to be a minimum rather than a target.
The study, published in the Journal of Epidemiology and Community Health, found that “a robust inverse association exists between fruit and vegetable consumption and mortality, with benefits seen in up to 7+ portions daily.”
What this means simply, is that people tend to die less when they eat a lot more vegetables. In particular, there is less mortality as a result of cardiovascular disease and cancer in people who eat in excess of 7 portions of fruit and vegetables per day.
Overall, there was a 33% lower risk of death from any cause, a 25% lower risk of dying of cancer, and a 31% lower risk of fatal cardiovascular disease .
The researchers also found that vegetables were more effective than fruit in lowering the death rate among participants.
It is important to note however, that the study had no specific funding and was an analysis of 65,226 adults who responded to the Health Survey for England, and it used no primary data.
Furthermore, according to the NHS website, the people who took part were generally older, less likely to smoke and drink, were female, and of a high social class with a high degree of education, making the data somewhat warped. Plus, those who ate more fruit and vegetables were more likely to partake in regular exercise. All this means that the result of the study may not be as crystal cut as the headlines appear to make out.
However, the NHS says “when it comes to fruit and vegetable, as long as you are watching your calorie and sugar intake, it is very much the case of “the more the merrier.”

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