Dementia could be fought by Mediterranean diet

According to a new piece of research, people who follow a Mediterranean diet are less likely to develop dementia.
Consuming more fresh fruit and vegetables, whilst consuming less saturated fats and meat, could be a way to lower your risk of developing dementia, according to University College London, who carried out the study and published it in the American Journal of Psychiatry.
UCL reviewed a total of 62 different studies, which had recorded data from 16,000 people who suffer from mild cognitive impairment (MCI), which is a condition that affects almost one fifth of people who are over the age of 65 years. MCI is a state in-between dementia and the natural ageing process, and means that your mind is not quite functioning as expected for your age, and researchers believe that if people with MCI alter their diets, they may protect themselves from dementia.
The study found that people who have diabetes are 65 per cent more likely to develop dementia. This is one of the reasons a Mediterranean diet is suggested, because a diet high in fresh fruit, vegetables, fish and olive oil is believed to be effective in preventing type 2 diabetes, and can also be beneficial when controlling blood sugar levels.
Low levels of Vitamin B12 are attributed to an increased chance of dementia. Vitamin B12 is common in fish, eggs and other foods typically making up a Mediterranean diet.
Dr Cooper of UCL said: “There are strong links between mental and physical health, so keeping your body healthy can also help to keep your brain working properly.”
The charity, Alzheimer’s Society, suggests that people exercise to help protect themselves from dementia, as well as adjusting what they eat.

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