The head of NHS England has announced plans for a “sugar tax” to be imposed on health centres and hospitals in England, in an effort to tackle the growing problem of type 2 diabetes and obesity.
Simon Stevens’ proposal is for a 20 per cent tax to be introduced on sugary drinks and foods found in NHS cafes, with the intention for this to be introduced by 2020. The money raised would also be used to improve the health of the NHS staff.
Claiming the NHS’s 1.3 million workforce needed to lead by example, he called on MPs to take similar actions, in the hopes of discouraging people from having sugary items.
“Because of the role that the NHS occupies in national life, all of us working in the NHS have a responsibility not just to support those who look after patients, but also to draw attention to, and make the case for, some of the wider changes that will actually improve the health of this country,” Mr Stevens said.
“It’s not just the well-being of people in this country and our children, but it’s also the sustainability of the NHS itself,” he added.
Sugar is blamed for the rise of obesity and type 2 diabetes, and for causing problems with our teeth. Government advisers recommend we do not get more than 5 per cent of our daily calorie intake in the form of sugar, which is equivalent to approximately six or seven teaspoons for an adult of normal weight.
A typical fizzy drink can contains about nine teaspoons of sugar in it, to put this into perspective, showing how it is important to restrict them in our diet.