The summer months are upon us and crash dieting is unfortunately common at this time of year. As the weather becomes warmer and holidays get closer, people can easily become self-conscious. Body confidence is certainly an issue that drives crash dieting and although it might be somewhat effective, it can have a negative impact on your overall health.
Here are the different ways crash dieting affects the body:
It can lower your metabolic rate
One of the best ways to lose weight is to have a high metabolism, but crash dieting can actually lower your metabolic rate. A metabolic rate refers to the number of calories you burn while resting. Extreme dieting can cause muscle breakdown which reduces your metabolic rate, thus ultimately leading to weight gain in the future.
Your immune system can become weaker
Whilst crash dieting, you can end up depriving yourself of essential minerals, nutrients and vitamins. As a result, your immune system can become compromised and you become far more likely to get ill more frequently.
Crash dieting can cause dehydration
Glycogen stores are a source of energy that binds water in the body. When you significantly reduce your calorie intake, the glycogen stores are depleted faster than the fat cells releasing the water. As a result, any weight loss that occurs is simply water weight. Once you return to your regular eating pattern, your body will replenish the glycogen and water which will lead to weight gain. Furthermore, the lack of glycogen can also leave you feeling more fatigued.
Heart problems can be triggered
If you have any pre-existing heart issues, crash dieting could easily aggravate them.
Your hair and skin could become damaged
When you limit your intake of essential vitamins and nutrients, the lack of nourishment can negatively impact your physical appearance. Your hair can become dull and fall out whilst your skin can become dry and experience acne breakouts.
It can play havoc on your bowel habits
Irregular or inconsistent bowel movements can occur when you aren’t getting the right amount of nutrients.