What Quantity of Fibre Do I Need?

What Quantity of Fibre Do I Need?

Adults need a minimum of 20-30 grams of fibre on a daily basis to maintain good health. Most of us consume only 15 grams a day.

Fibre is exceptional as, due to its composition, it cannot be broken down into sugar molecules. Hence, it passes through the body without being digested.

There are two types of fibre: soluble fibre which dissolves in water and insoluble fibre which by definition does not. Even though neither fibre type nourishes the body, they both promote good health in several ways.

Soluble fibre attaches itself to fatty substances in the intestines, taking them out as waste, hence lowering low-density lipoprotein (LDL, or bad cholesterol). This also assists in the regulation of the body’s use of sugars, helping to keep hunger and blood sugar in check. Insoluble fibre assists in pushing food through the intestinal tract, helping regularity as well as preventing constipation.

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