Following on from his triumphant TV show and book James Martin’s French Adventure, our food hero takes on the US in James Martin’s American Adventure. The book sees James commute from coast to coast, cooking and eating in every single place from San Francisco to Dallas, Philadelphia to New Orleans, New York to Maine, and sampling the high life in The Hamptons. On the way he cooks with real cowboys at a ranch, caters at Reno air race, and explores Creole food in Baton Rouge. It is the culinary journey of a lifetime and here are all of the recipes from the series, at the side of exclusive photography from in the back of the scenes on James’s unusual food shuttle. Product Information:• ISBN: 9781787131538• Writer: James Martin• Publisher: Quadrille• Format: Hardback• Pages: 255• Dimensions: 26 x 21 x 3cm