Posts tagged with "Fat Loss"

Do Meal Replacement Diets Really Work?

A meal replacement diet literally involves main meals being replaced with low-kilojoule powdered shakes and snack bars. The aim is to reduce the overall energy intake, thus aiding weight-loss. There is evidence to suggest that a meal replacements are an effective way to lose weight. However, it is not a long-term fix and more general knowledge is required before undertaking such a diet program. How Does Meal Replacement Work? Anything that is labelled as a meal replacement is a kilojoule-controlled product. Such products are designed to facilitate rapid weight-loss whilst conserving lean body mass (the muscles and organs). Usually, meal...

Weight Watchers to Abolish ‘Before and After’ Pictures

For anyone who is trying to lose weight, they are often faced with many ‘before and after’ pictures. These are often used as undeniable proof that a certain diet and exercise regime has worked. Additionally, it acts as an indicator of progress a person has made. Weight Watchers was the pioneer of the before and after picture. However, the company now plans to phase out the trend. A New, Modern Outlook During a conference in the US to relaunch the brand, it was made clear that such photographs were outdated and not in keeping with current personal values. Rather than being a motivator, it is now thought that such pictures don’t help...

Slimming World Diet Programme Encourages Food Anxiety

Slimming World boasts a significant popularity, with 900,000 members attending groups across the nation on a weekly basis. The website and magazines voice successful weight loss stories. Slimming World is certainly having an impact because the NHS refers overweight patients to their groups. The organisation’s ethos is based on members having free choice so that they can diet without any guilt. However, this has come under fire for having the exact opposite effect. How Does the Slimming World Diet Work? The Slimming World diet programme promotes ‘Food Optimising’. It’s a basic concept whereby dieters need to take in less calories...

What is Intermittent Fasting?

Intermittent Fasting (IF) is one of the top fitness trends around the world. It has been around for years, but seems to keep making a come-back. Unlike diets, it doesn’t target what you eat but rather when. It’s all about creating an eating pattern that is restrictive. You’ll go between periods of no calorie intake followed by periods where you can eat which continues as a cycle. Fanatics of this method praise it as a much more “natural” way of eating. This is the idea that IF mimics the diet of our ancestors who were hunter gatherers and that we are eating in over-abundance now. The most popular form of IF is the 16/8 Method....